2 reviews liked by chasebuck1025

One of the most beautiful games I think I've ever played. Every single moving part is precise and intentional. The themes are cohesive and focussed. The game never ever does anything "just 'cause", the game is using narrative, gameplay and structure to inform it's themes and message and it's done to absolute perfection. Every single part of this thing, even things you may think on first glance was a weird design choice is by design and the game doesn't care if you get it or not. It has something to say, and it says it. It's poignant, it's deeply valuable and it has forever altered the way I view my life. A masterpiece.

Atmospherically and visually impactful yet narratively messy with inconsistent themes and nearly no connection to the original game. The story could've been told as a new IP, it being Senua adds nothing of value. The voices which added depth to her character in the original act only as narrative yellow paint to explain every inch of a story that could've had more subtext if it wasn't completely subtracted by the voices overexplaining and negating any depth.

The gameplay is somehow even more shallow than the original which was at least paced better and had a story worth experiencing to back it up. Here the fights last so long it's comical for a system as shallow as it is and the puzzles are not puzzles in any sense of the word.

no good.