It's Everybody's Golf. Pure and simple. It's like finding out your go-to restaurant has closed down only to discover it just has moved to the neighborhood next to yours. I'm a bit iffy about how content has been sorta mobile-ized with the slow character progression but everything else checks out, it's like Clap Hanz haven't skipped a beat.

Graphically it's half a step backwards but that's what happens you shift to less powerful hardware, tho to compensate there's some surprisingly good character design that mixes Pixar style models with some anime touches here and there.

I wish there was more ambient music. I wonder why they haven't hired Takeshi Abo yet, his Memories Off OSTs fit like a glove.

Hopefully this comes out on Steam. I read this was made on Unity so it shouldn't be a complicated process. Edit: Goddamit. Instead of porting this to Steam they made a completely new game........ FOR META QUEST. I HOPE THE FACEBOOK MONEY IS GOOD, BUT DAMN, I WANT TO GIVE YOU MONEY AND YET YA'LL RELEASING FOR HARDWARE I DON'T OWN 😭😭😭😭

Reviewed on Sep 07, 2023
