You know how you just pick a game in your formative years that's gonna become your "main" game for the next decade and onwards. This is that game for me

Literally just another unoriginal survival crafting game. Ended up refunding this

Nothing and I mean NOTHING could ever compare to this game in my mind. Growing up I spent every single possible second of my free time playing this game, Everytime my friends came over to our house we played this game. Most of the money I got from my parents was spent on the DLC of this game (I think I singlehandedly kept the studio afloat lmao). I wish PS3 showed how many hours you've spent on a game cause I would love to know but I honestly bet it's multiple thousands. A 12-year old me literally made a twitter just to follow LBP-map creators. This game is the dearest game for me and it makes me sad knowing there will most likely never be another like it.