a neat preview of what will follow in phantom pain (which i have no played at this point). i did play every mission available, but did not unlock every tape/secret.

i think the mechanics of this game are really fun, and i feel like i was just scraping the iceberg. i like how the enemies respond to your actions, it was believable to the point of being immersive, but not to the point where it'd be unfun, e.g. if you killed someone IRL, they wouldn't just give up searching for you after 2min, but in the game it wouldn't be fun if they did that. so they struck a good balance. getting to know the map across the multiple missions felt rewarding because that knowledge made subsequent missions easier.

the kojima auteur DNA is only slightly overbearing - not to the point where it was unenjoyable, but to the point where i definitely noticed it. some examples of this are the extremely long text explainers of what's happened to date in this franchise, some of the cassette tapes being like 7+ minutes long, and Kojima himself literally being a character in this game. i also didn't love the scoring system - i felt punished for using my playstyle of choice, which is stealth assault. hopefully mgs5 does not carry that over.

it's hard to rate it higher than i have just based on the nature of this game, i.e. it's basically just a demo. but i really enjoyed my time with it and can't wait to try mgs5 soon! (will probably play Death Stranding first though)

Reviewed on Feb 10, 2022
