2 reviews liked by chokochao

huge youtuber psyop. not great especially in the way of writing ("This TEAM ROCKET thing is just a job, but I can see it hurts others. That's it, I'm leaving. Thank you so much. Sorry GIOVANNI!") and some balancing decisions seem pretty arbitrary but serviceable enough. you guys can do most of this on your own in a few weeks b/c of how much is copy-pasted from guides on pret's pokecrystal decomp github repo


https://www.pokecommunity.com/threads/pok%C3%A9mon-polished-crystal-update-2-2-0.373172/ !!!

can you really call yourself a sonic fan if ryus theme from street fighter alpha 3 isnt as iconic as green hill zone to you

1 list liked by chokochao