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comp formats since links (or even late pendulums) have been the most awful balancing and the most unfun card game i ever played,sure there were formats like 2008 tele-dad but this its literally just put as much negates as you can and having and absurd amount of handtraps that are better than most normal traps,thats other thing the power creep has become so stupid that a card released 2 years ago is unusable execept is broken it just baffles me most matches defines who goes first has a starter in the first 5 cards and has more handtraps,the decks are just to op and consistent,every single deck has to have negates to be viable is awful and unfun

the score isnt lower because you can still technically have fun with older decks but this game even makes that annoying and difficult to do,just go on duelbook is way more practical and more interesting since everything is manual or just go play duel links that actually has good balancing and has an actual care for power creep and has actual good banlists or just play some old tag force game,100 times more fun that this mess,cant believe how people are enjoying the broken shitshow that is modern yugioh

overall,fuck modern yugioh
strong 1 to light 2