countless hours spent on here trying new ideas just to get demolished by dragon link

only way to play yugioh and have fun nowdays is playing old formats,like goat format,that is really fun

insane just how much better this game its than its predecesors,one of the last true great flash games

sorrry but the gameplay fucking sucks,passing is awful on even the best player,is extremely clunky that especially on an arcady paced game is an awful combination,is extremely luck based you could do the exact same thing two times and get two different results,another thing i dont know if it just me but scripting is awful multiple 90 minute goals from a corner or a reflect or some bullshit about 36% of my games ended this way,

only thing (or any ps2 pes) that does better than pes 2013 is the gamemodes,pes 2013 has 1000 times better gameplay

people hate on this game because you actually require skill to play it and cant just braindead spam skills and win like in 2

just cant understand the hype,defending feels awful,attacking is more random than skillfull,it doesnt really matters what skill you choose since most of them will make the opponent stun locked most of the time,there arent any teams only national teams,gamebreaker bar is awful,most players feel the exact same apart from stats,gamemodes may appear plentifull but will get old quick

only thing this game has going for it are vibes and music,fifa street 2012 is much,MUCH,better

one of my fav experiences with football games is pes 18 my club,amazing,it actually felt important to get a player and gameplay didnt feel sluggish

if minecraft was a state it will prob be stupid as hell

if texas education is considered stupid as hell,minecraft education will have negative iq points

i really dislike the gameplay changes this patch brings

will be like a 5/10 withouth mods,its okay with mods

strong 6 to light 7