I'm glad I decided to wait to play through Cyberpunk 2077 until after the 2.0 update - the game feels like a more complete, mostly smooth package compared to when I first played it at release (but it's not without its issues).

The game's strongest asset is its narrative, which I thoroughly enjoyed all the way through. I loved the cast of characters that you meet along the way, and their side stories are some of the best side content I've played in a while. I was genuinely sad to see some of them go, and the messages you get from them during the credits were a great touch. V's story is really interesting, and although I felt like it dragged at points, the story kept up momentum for most of its run-time and didn't feel like it overstayed its welcome. I was happy with the ending I got and think it fits the life that I envisioned for V while I was playing as him - I'm eager to see how different endings play out if I do a replay in the future.

Although things have seemingly been patched up performance wise, there are still some fairly glaring issues that I encountered during my playthrough. There were numerous times where cars would glitch out on the street or I'd get stuck on a railing or part of a building. There was one notable instance where, during a pivotal cutscene in a side story, I watched an NPC go through a loop of sitting at a ramen shop table, pulling a bowl out of thin air, eating it, standing up and then walking in a circle to do it all again. It sorta broke the immersion when these things would happen, but they didn't happen enough to where it felt like the game was unplayable.

I also found the gameplay to be a bit one-note as time went on, although that might be due to how I decided to build V as a character. I basically made him into a soldier and put most of my points into gun skills, and so going into firefights over and over again started to lose its novelty after a while. The actual moment-to-moment gameplay wasn't bad, but I wish I could've better integrated some of the other abilities like quickhacks into my arsenal. Exploration was really well done though - Night City is an awesome place to roam around in, and it felt so alive that I often would skip fast traveling just so I could take in more of the environment.

After following the hype for this game for some time, I knew I had to play it once all the major bugs and issues had been ironed it, and the 2.0 update seemed like the best time to do that. I'm happy to say that I really enjoyed my time with this - the story and characters more than make up for any misgivings I have about some of the performance and gameplay issues. While obviously not on the same level as the Witcher 3, CDPR have made another sprawling, deep and well-written game that left me impressed - I can't wait to see how Phantom Liberty builds on this solid foundation.

Reviewed on Jan 25, 2024

1 Comment

3 months ago

If you enjoyed the narrative in the base game already, I'm sure you'll love Phantom Liberty!