OK, going into this game absolutely everything was extremely vibeworthy. I'm a sucker for space games and a sucker for games that provide a sense of discovery and going through and peeling over every planet and finding out the weird little details of this world felt amazing.

But about 8 hours in, everything felt like it clicked for me, I knew how I was going to go about beating the game, which trees to shake down to get the secrets needed to complete everything. What followed was perhaps the most dull 3 hour stretch I've played in a while, so much of the late game is just composed of waiting for things to happen that you know are going to happen, the time loop mechanic that gave everything a sense of urgency just becomes a big 'ol time gate to block actually progressing the events of the game.

So while I'm not exactly head-over-heels for this like everyone else I will say that that first bit of the game is some truly mind-blowing exploration so give it a shot, then maybe check the wiki (very carefully, there's still some revelations in that last bit you don't wanna get spoiled) if you get inevitably stuck poking at leads.

Reviewed on Jun 11, 2023
