the one that started it all! is this a good thing? well, i don't know. i haven't played the others yet!
the core gameplay loop of fire emblem is simple and effective. there's a bunch of units who all do different things, and interacting with them on the map is really fun!
unfortunately, the game is padded to a degree that makes the game feel three times longer than it should. i wouldn't be upset if it was a tiny bit more story rich!
a solid NES title that is charmingly made. it is definitely very primitive as far as the series goes, but i think with every step forward Fire Emblem took as a franchise, there were a few steps backward.
i hope to find another strategy RPG with as much soul as this game, minus the odd bits that turned me away.

it's vectorman, baby!
great visuals! great audio! the difficulty is tough, and it can be tough to aim for what you wanna aim, especially with some of the boss weakpoints in later levels. you won't get a game this charming anywhere else, though. you truly FEEL like a vectorman.
i recommend this to all who have touched a genesis game at least once in your days--you haven't sega'd until you've played VECTORMAN.
bonus: the soundtrack comes with a cool game!

wow!!! what a game!!!
once again Treasure nails it with one of the greatest action games to grace the 16-bit era. the depth in Epsilon's moveset combined with the build-your-own-arsenal type gameplay really makes this one special.
the difficulty can be tough, but thankfully, you can modify the gameplay speed from the pause menu! there's also two difficulty modes alongside this, but the easy mode prevents continues. sounds backwards, but i didn't find myself needing them!
this was truly a Treasure. play this game any way you can!