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This game is carried so hard by zombies it’s insane. Maybe the weakest CoD campaign we’ve ever gotten and a pretty fun but erratic multiplayer experience which felt fun at the best of times and downright unfair at the worst. The zombies experience here is unparalleled with the base game map of shadows of evil being a detailed, fun and immensely repeatable masterpiece with incredible atmosphere and voice acting from an incredibly talented cast. DLC maps of gorod krovi and der eisendrache are insanely fun and make obtaining wonder weapons and completing easter eggs feel organic and natural as you progress through the map. Zetsubou no shima and revelations were both great in their own respect, however revelations, as this saga ending event, felt underwhelming and a little too easy when you factor in the insane powers you can obtain on that map, from the wonder weapons to the masks and gobblegums. gobblegums were a great addition to zombies, however really fun ones like perkaholic and shopping free were generally unusable for fear of losing them, unless you had money to burn for liquid divinium.

Actually enjoyed this a lot. Played it co-op with my girlfriend and we were both very invested, completing it in two sessions. All of the puzzles and options felt like they had fairly realistic outcomes, except for certain ones which sorta left me scratching my head. Some of the characters are really unlikeable and it feels super difficult to not kill them at times, however keeping people alive feels immensely satisfying, but what goes up must come down. We had two characters die in the last 30 mins of the game and we felt crushed. Fun game with some great acting (a little poor at times but generally fantastic). Definitely benefits from being a co-op experience.

Only ever played this with my girlfriend and we loved it (not playing it alone). Never moved on from the lowest difficulty cus i’m a pussy. Varied tools at your disposal and a ton of ghost types make for a very wide array of different gameplay experiences available. In spite of its dated graphics, the game is incredibly nerve-wracking and genuinely scary due to its unpredictability.