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Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

November 12, 2022

First played

October 28, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


hard to rate this one. ⚠️BORING⚠️ bad campaign that does a lot of lifting from other games seemingly at random (uncharted 3 and watch dogs 1 are the biggest sources here) but is otherwise just dumb in the normal us military propaganda way. it is funny how hard this tries to be sicario but only by lifting flavors from that movie and sidestepping the cia/military criticisms. it makes the whole thing weirdly disjointed and sometimes totally schizophrenic.
the ui feels like a psychic assault at all moments but i actually really enjoy the overall unlock and progression systems. this is the first time a cod has managed to make me push myself outside my comfort zone in terms of weapon and loadout choices. the gunplay is really sharp but the maps are generally pretty bad. you are constantly reminded that this whole game is built around warzone to an alarming degree. even without the mode out yet you can see its gestalt defining the boundaries of entire systems. in the case of maps it really holds them back. discrete chunks pulled from warzone just don't feel as purpose built as all of the mw 2019 maps did. a lot of similar layouts and identical skyboxes that all conform to a very obvious grid.
i was never big into warzone but i'll try it when it's out. i am excited for the tarkov ripoff they're including and overall i'm having a lot of fun with this game but you can really really see the seams in every single aspect with this one. raw in a way cod generally isn't