This review was written before the game released

everyone sucking overwatch 1 off back on that games launch genuinely made me feel like some weird space alien. it seems like public opinion has finally course corrected to some form of "it was fun the first year or so" but this doesn't properly acknowledge that the game has always been just terrible to play. titanfall 2 came out the same year as overwatch and i was just supposed to act like this slow ugly fps with the worst movement you will ever experience was somehow bringing back arena shooters. thankfully it faded from the public consciousness fast so now they've rereleased it without really changing anything to drum up engagement. they also purposefully bottlenecked the servers on launch to boost demand in the cheapest possible way and get people tweeting the word "overwatch." literally just go play fortnite instead of this for a better looking and feeling shooter in every conceivable way

Reviewed on Oct 10, 2022


1 year ago

Fortnite hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah BREATH IN hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Just say you didn't play the game. You coulda at least looked up a game like Overwatch and typed in Paladins for relevancy.

1 year ago

fortnite is actually good and paladins has never once been relevant

1 year ago

Relevant as in the Hero Shooter genre. Fortnite, like Apex, is le "point and shoot really quick!1!!1" mentality. Of course, Fortnite adding the build really quick gimmick too, while Apex has a sliver of Hero Shooters in it. Then again, arena shooter is a good overall definition of all of it. :)

1 year ago

One thing I'll admit Paladins is nice at is its forgiving hitboxes. Even Overwatch I tend to seethe as I miss all my aim.