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man, it's been over a week since i finished this game and i'm still having a hard time trying to parse my feelings on it. yeah sure i could talk about the gameplay and shit but really i've just been struggling to digest the story,,, like thinking about the parallels between the things haruka does in this game and the shit kiryu's done in the past makes me want to start clutching my head in AGONY she really takes after her dad huh,,,,,,
so much of the game made me so upset but like. (usually) not because the writing made me mad but just because you can really tell they were planning on ending kiryu's story here, and the whole thing is just one bittersweet farewell to this,, stupid, stubborn, horribly-emotionally-repressed-and-dense-but-somehow-still-lovable-in-spite-of-it mf we've been stuck with for so many games now. the shots of haruto taking his first steps in the very last cutscene interspersed w kiryu walking away from the orphanage for the last time made me actually start crying like a baby, no lie,,, like damn it's such a sad way for things to end but with this asshole's track record of running away from things it sure is in-character,,,,,,,
knowing he's gonna come back later does perhaps diminish the effects of an ending like that a little bit, but still, like. damn. i think i'm kinda rambling at this point and this is definitely wordier than probably every review i've posted so far but AUGH i just have so many THOUGHTS about this GAME!!!!!!!!

(i AM going to say as a last word that the only thing in this game that made me absolutely fucking FURIOUS was kiryu's bum ass writing that bullshit letter to daigo about how he always viewed himself as a father to him IN THE HOSPITAL ROOM WITH HARUKA RIGHT FUCKING BEHIND HIM!!!! YOU DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FATHERLY FOR THAT MAN AT ANY POINT EVER AND YOU HAVE THE GALL TO SAY THAT WHILE YOUR ACTUAL DAUGHTER WHO YOU HAVE RAISED ON YOUR OWN SINCE SHE WAS LIKE 10 JUST WOKE UP FROM A COMA AND IS SITTING LESS THAN 5 FEET AWAY FROM YOU!?!?!??! YOU FUCKIGN DEADBEAT MORON AOUUUUUGH I HATE YOU)

Reviewed on Apr 09, 2024
