wow ! i hate the control style of this character ! Throws controller
Why is this game so short i paid 50 dollars for it

Reviewed on Sep 19, 2021


2 years ago

1. Games are expensive. Be happy Nintendo took 10 dollars off what is usually the normal $60
2. The minigames are the selling point of the game. Not the story mode. That's obvious, and if you expected anymore from a series that is known to have it's selling point be the multitude of games and NOT the story, then you need to learn common sense, and play something like Kingdom Hearts if you want a story.

2 years ago

Have you played any WarioWare games? They're short and rely on replayability.

2 years ago

Complaining about the price point is a massive cope ngl, but I can see why it stings in this case as a person who didn't find this game all that replayable.