This is the last mainline fallout game I hadn't beaten, and now I have. I'd put it off for so long mostly because of that Hbomberguy video, but also because I'd tried booting it up previously and had never gotten very far.

At first I was really pleasantly surprised, it was fun and kinda chill, all the new stuff in the first bit (from leaving the vault to getting to the citadel) was fun if a bit flawed. The biggest flaw was that dude who wants you to blow up megaton for no reason, but there's also just navigating DC being a bit of a nightmare, and the weird sickly green cast on everything.

Once bits from the older games start showing up though, man, why? Why is it like this? The brotherhood's depicted very strangely, in that they're like the enclave but not evil and not comically patriotic, but they don't feel anything like their depiction in the other games. The enclave feels true to form I guess, but the fact that they're even here feels like a misstep. Why is this game constructed out of fanservicey-references to the old Fallout games and modern DC landmarks but devoid of any commentary on politics and built in a way that cheapens everything they reference.

It's a fun enough sandbox I guess, though the map feels randomly scattered about with no flow to it. The story is bunk, the art style is marred by GREEN, and the tone is all off though. Honestly, just play new vegas. There's nothing here that makes 3 worth playing

Reviewed on Jun 19, 2023
