Fun alone, a lot more fun with friends. I’m not a competitive type player, so I just screw around in deathmatch, waiting for a quick play game. Though, I hope we start getting more unique and fun characters, the recent few have been lackluster in my opinion. Don’t get me started on the competitive community either, console isn’t as bad as PC but it’s still horrible. The community can get too toxic to handle.

Fun gunplay, but it’s definitely hard to get into if you haven’t played the first one; as in you won’t know literally anything unless you have a friend who does. Personally, I enjoy using the Nighstalker on my Hunter, and Striker on my Titan. Haven’t played enough of the Warlock to say which subclass I like most. It’s also a lot more fun with friends. A LOT.

Good gameplay, decent online, overall good characters, thought it’s story is a slog to get through.

I know everyone and their mother hates this game because of its lacking roster, questionable character models, and lackluster story, but the gameplay is incredible, it’s still Marvel Vs Capcom, and it’s much easier to get into despite its lack of assists, but the 2-on-2 style gives characters amazing combo potential. Online isn’t half bad either, considering not that many people play it nowadays.

An incredible story, that still includes beloved Spider-Man characters, and adds even more to the existing universe. It’s also incredibly fun to swing around New York stopping crimes, although the combat can get a little samey at times.

Amazing story, beautiful environments that are fun to explore, and I also love how you can mold Arthur’s character throughout the story. Though, it suffers from many minor issues, such as it taking forever to loot bodies, and how sometimes your character will act like it has a mind of its own. However, this is easily one of my favorite PS4 titles as of right now.