well. 9 hours went by in the blink of an eye. my husband kept checking on me to make sure i was .. still alive?

i'm not having any frame drop issues after the initial few minutes of the world loading, or zooming in really fast. i have a 4070, which i see a lot of steam users saying they still lag with. i never changed my graphics settings (other than turning off motion blur) & everything was kept on 'high' settings. i got it through xbox game pass (for $1 rn what the hellll?) & didn't have nearly as many performance issues as people make it seem through steam reviews.

the token system to unlock is really annoying. there's times where i'm just sitting on 3x speed & building the cims more low density residential, waiting for the xp to drop. building roads looks really ugly & i've had to fight with placing things for a long, long time. the new water & electricity was annoying at first, but i got used to it pretty easily. until a transformer was 'bottlenecking.' that took me a few minutes to figure out. upgrading buildings by clicking on them is really nice.

all in all, i still really enjoyed it. though, i think i do prefer 1 still. the new vanilla road settings are nothing compared to TMPE. if i'm enjoying it, i'll probably pick it up on steam for the workshop.. but knowing how many expansion packs they'll add.. i might just keep playing it on game pass.

Reviewed on Oct 25, 2023


7 months ago

omg yeah the roads are so ugly. i cannot for the life of me make my city look good at all.

like you i haven't had any issues with graphics, lag, etc., even with having a worse set-up than you. i definitely think there is a great game under the hood that will only get better with mods (please for the love of god release a traffic mod soon i need better roads), but definitely agree with you that the first one is better at the moment.

7 months ago

@jaciemybeloved (can you @ on this site omg) yeah!! actually i started a city for the tutorial then started over & my town is looking better- i think there's just a learning curve of getting CS1 out of your head. i have high hopes, really! the map editor is scheduled to be their first update!

7 months ago

@crybaby (omg i didn't know pinging was a feature) i too started a second city after my tutorial city was looking so ugly and it's looking so much better! i figured out how to make the roads into perfect grids, though it's a more tedious way than in C:S1 unfortunately /: but i also have high hopes! i think once mods are introduced this game will absolutely flourish.