the lore is DEEP i need to mull this over in my brain for a while, but i enjoyed it a lot :) got the true ending after a lot of work, & it was very worth it! the puzzles were fun, i had to bring out a notebook (sad i didn't get to use the bottom half of my ds for it) & i'm glad almost all of my questions were answered.. i do have 2 tho .. will the next game answer them?

Reviewed on Feb 28, 2023


1 year ago


1 year ago

no ):
in my personal opinion really recommend watching about an hour of gameplay or so from vlr before deciding to buy it (or just pirate it) because that game isss.... something......

1 year ago

999 is like listening to a great album. VLR is like listening to an odd, experimental 5 hour symphony and just when its about to conclude the conductor suffers a massive heart attack and dies on stage, leading to people being told to leave. "Uhh that was good I guess?" you think as you exit the concert hall
ignore these guys, vlr isnt as good but its still great

1 year ago

you guys are so funny! i have vlr, i bought the trilogy! i'm down to give it a try! :)