you know what... this game IS a 5/5, im ignoring the haters, it has its flaws but there was not a moment of the game i was not enjoying myself (unless you count the parts of the game where it crashed and was unplayable but since i wasn't playing i wont count it :D)

with such an expansively vast language such as the english language, the words to describe the perfection this game is don't exist.

this game made me learn to enjoy card battlers, i wish there was more i literally put 50 hours into this game and i crave more

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ohhhhh to be having to decide the fate of the person i love or the entire town I've grown up in <333

it was a good game!! but it felt like... more rushed than the other games? also the romance options are :/ and the ending made me feel so empty :D!!! but still a good game!!

i might dare say it... i shant... i shall! i enjoyed this one even more than the first!!

i got this weird porn game from a random game bundle and was like "this looks like a stupid easy game to 100% and be done with" then i found one of the most incredibly engrossing games I've ever played in, like you can turn off the sex stuff entirely for the game and it has a super funny story with some of the most well written characters I've ever seen (which is so weird for a porn game???) and then you get into the super enjoyably mind-numbing gameplay loop that just feels right and its like??? i put 50 hours into this stupid game and if im being honest with myself the only reason its not getting a 5/5 stars is that im too cowardly to do that.

the only reason this is getting like any stars is the fact its in the red dead 2 worldspace, its silly with friends but not because the gameplay is any good, there is almost 0 story in this, its literally just wander around with friends and then get killed by hackers once every 20 minutes.

what an amazing game for its time, and somehow still fun in today's age

this game is so weird and quirky i love it so much

shoutout to the single dude who was like "yeah im about to drop one of the most fun coop games of all time" and did

i love telltale games, i can only imagine how good these games woulda been if the workers weren't being crunched to make it </3

every time i play this game i become the part of me i hate most.

this game was too difficult for me to ACTUALLY finish because i was so bad and kept losing so i literally watched a youtube for the final fight scene so i could pretend i was the one who won and could finally find peace. sick game tho

the best of the walking dead games, which is a hard task to pull off since they are (ALMOST) all amazing <333