pretty fun! i dont want to do all the win condition stuff or 100% it because thats like a lot but i enjoyed my couple runs of it i played, especially considering its free

its not that its bad by any means i think the game just didn't really draw me in tho, i personally enjoy my roguelike/roguelites with more customization and this one is lacking in that department.


very cute game and i really love the UI and general concept of the game, i just cant bring myself to 100% it because after a certain point it really does just feel like you're grinding to get stuff done, and the grind isn't the most fun in this game. the first 30 hours were 5/5 tho

100%ed the game in 20 minutes.. but it was a fun 20 minutes. silly game and ngl it kinda ate!

really pretty, really frustrating. the dlc or whatever that extra content was made me want to die and im giving up

very short and very cute :) 100%ed the game in 2 hours and it was very enjoyable in that time!

100%ed it in less than 2 hours :( a little disappointing but at least it added a tiny bit more time for me to play my silly little fishing game

video games keep trying to make me think fishing is fun and i will NOT be fooled!!!

this game is like 50 games in one its so good!!! there were so many times im watching what is happening and am like "What am i even playing???" but in the best way possible. it has a very steep drop off after you "beat" the game in which it just becomes too grindy for my blood but besides that a ton of fun

I am so glad i waited so long to play this game because getting to just play it on a week I was doing nothing was pure bliss. genuinely had so much fun with this game, there is no way to not compare it to stardew valley based off gameplay but in many ways it is so much better than stardew valley by taking a lot of the more grindy headache inducing aspects of stardew valley and either toning it down or removing it (no stamina <3333). My only reason for me that it wouldn't be 5/5 is the characters are not nearly as likable as stardew valley IMO and the art style is a little bit too chibi for my liking, but besides that this game is better in like every way

so like the game is interesting but the game relies a lot on "the spaces between" aspect as the game just feels like waiting to get to the next conversation in every pathway. like i find it interesting meeting the new people but do i really gotta "walk" or "drive" for 5 minutes (wait while my character moves in a straight line) to get to the next convo? maybe im just not the target audience, i enjoyed it for a little but i dont see myself achievement hunting in this game.

me and my duo managed to actually keep everyone alive which was shocking, pretty fun game overall finished it all in one sitting :)

a bit convoluted with an ending that made the entire story pointless IMO. not good, would only recommend if you really want to do all the dark pictures games.

i mean it was okay, nothing crazy. did end up with literally every single person dying because of 1 single failed check in a literal 5 hour playthrough, which made me and my duo giggle because like bruh but it was still fun!

i did more seashell collecting than hiking