When chapter 3 plzlzlzlzlzlzlzlzlzl

I have enjoyed this game thoroughly, i hate playing past level 30 :)

100%ed the game, was pretty silly i like grindy games so i didn't mind that, my only real complaints are that 1. the weird text to speech tiktok voice and the maybe voice acting maybe ai voices i really cant tell sounds weird as hell 2. sometimes i felt like the things i was hitting, be it enemies or objects, would miss point blank or worse: hit me after it was dead or stunned. besides that genuinely enjoyable and surprisingly interesting story

pretty cute but super overrated !

my only wish was that there was more content</3

im playin hello kitty island adventure!

You take a sip from your trusty Vault 13 canteen...

guns are pretty cool. love vendertron.

love hate relationship, I love everything about this DLC except actually playing this DLC.