Its Oblivion with post apocalyptic skin. Not even worth to be nostalgic about. Theres nothing in this game thats revolutionary. I played until my character escaped the vault. After 30 minutes of intriguing storyline intro and tutorial, its like the story itself just disappeared.

Im on my own dont know what to do, dont know where to go. Its as what the description said, open world RPG. Its the player that dictate what the story is. It sounds good in paper but almost all of us here arent storytellers. RPGs in traditional form is good with friends and on pen and paper, the gamemaster overseer the progress. But its not good in video games.

Its the reason why since the 90s until the end of 00s JRPGS are dominating the RPG genre. JRPG in literal definition, japanese role playing games. Its obvious its in 2011 with the release of Skyrim why western RPGs dominating over JRPGs. Because pre-Skyrim western RPGs are unplayable to average gamers

Reviewed on Nov 04, 2023


7 months ago

Fallout 3 story sucks a bit, since it's focused more on exploration and having to discover things by yourself. Try New Vegas instead if you don't mind the desert setting.

7 months ago

@Moister Is New Vegas really as good as its hype to be? I will play it next. Thank you for the suggestion. I will put it on my backlog

7 months ago

@cuklie_lol Yeah. I played 3 right after New Vegas and it didn't do much for me personally.

Unlike 3, New Vegas story is fragmented through the NPC that delivers quests and isn't really that linear. If you like choices and consequences, it's there. Answers require a specific skill checks, while on 3 it's managed through classic luck & dice. Conversations value perks a lot compared to Fallout 3 main story as well and can give you a lot of advantage depending on how you want to play.

Those were the main differences I noticed.

7 months ago

@Moister Im not really picky with old games and AA or indie games. Im reviewing games based on standard of today and the high standard when the game released. I look up Fallout New Vegas its released in 2010. Is it really as good as Skyrim when its released in 2011? Im downloading it on Gamepass.

Im dont set a high expectation on Fallout New Vegas. Only on par on quality with JRPGs like Final Fantasy and Yakuza series released during at the same time. I know FF XIII criticized but its still solid RPG compared to the competitions, at least during that time

7 months ago

@cuklie_lol Don't worry. Skyrim and Fallout New Vegas are different beasts altogether, both made by different teams. It's good as long as you like what's in there, or can tolerate the combat, at least. Oh, and install some mods while you're at it. Not a stable game by any means without them, but people tend to overlook things like that because the game is so great in it's core.

I also played XIII and I think is a solid JRPG overall, but comparing JRPGs to Western RPGs is like comparing apples to oranges. It all comes to tastes really. I like both genres for different reasons.

Take your time with this one as well, don't try to rush it. 70 hours or so.

7 months ago

@Moister Thank you for the reply. I agree with most of your post. But Im reviewing these game based on the standards and definition of today. And the high standard of game when these games released. I base my opinions on review scores of critics and games commercial success during that time.

Its related because without nostalgia glasses Yoshi P is right. Only recently, only years ago that JRPGs are used on mainstream. And it shows why. I played Demons Souls the OG one. I didnt like it doesnt mean its not a great game. Its literal definition of a JRPG. Its obvious JRPGs at that time are just RPGs, just made in Japan.

I dont agree JRPGs and western RPGs are apples and oranges. It only become a thing when Skyrim released and western RPGs becoming mainstream. Sorry for the reply western developers are copying JRPGs why they dominated the RPG genre. Its what I observe playing these old RPG games.