I started this game 5 years ago. Since then, a lot has happened in my life, and during those years, this game has been my cross to bear. It just never ends. It keeps going and going, with no end in sight. For five long years, I've played this game, pressing the spacebar over and over.. pressing Tab sometimes.. But it never ends. Until today. Today, is that fateful day. Today, February 5th 2024, is the day I finally finished Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy for PC. Today, I roam the streets as a free man. I am crying tears of joy as the credits roll, illuminating my weeping face in the darkness of my bedroom. God bless our Lord in Heaven, for He has granted me true bliss on this day. At last: this court is adjourned.

one of the best games ever made it's not even fucking funny.

it's alot of fun and i really like the quirkyness of the game's story and aesthetic but i just don't have any friends. never finished it. still no friends.

Play this fucking game right now.