proud repulsion; the wriggling extremities of capital and hyperneurotic shoot-to-kill police horror viewed thru a queasy dutch angle. the malignant hypnotic wave of the gig economy, conditioned response, consumer slop, microplasticked newborns, get-rich-quick schemes, and salacious newsreel highlights as accelerated further thru nihilistic excess

indebted to bataillean self-laceration and mystic economism; transformative violence, sacrificial hedonism, and refusal of poise undercut by knowingly grotesque laughter. trauma and transgression as freefalling elevators toward the most terrestrial outcomes; absurd monuments erected to the unwell; flickering lighthouses and garbled siren songs drawing shipwreckers into the same crashes again and again until they find an exit

organs spilling out and lining your pockets, stock markets juddering senselessly and pointlessly, bank accounts engorging and deflating. every exchange, every action inherently transactional in nature; shared psychosis hitting fever pitch

work/life balance as infinite on-call uniformity

body as pure reflection of environment

self as perfect corporate weapon

Reviewed on Feb 06, 2024


2 months ago

prob biased since this is one of my fav games lol but this has got to be one of your best reviews. it's not just a good composition of your style but it also constructs mental dioramas of the game to a damn t

2 months ago

thank you so much. it's one of my favourites too so I'm real glad you think so :)

2 months ago

great review, really pulls me back into the experience, gotta play it again some time soon.

2 months ago

i guess i need to, like... get over my concerns about this game having done a brigador collab just at the moment when stellar jockeys were outed as toxic bigots... and play this? at this point i feel like i'm just missing out, but i wish i knew more about all that.

2 months ago

I'd like to know more about that too. I knew about the brigador guy (guys?) sucking but I'm not too familiar with anything past that. If you dig anything up I'd be curious to see what's up