1 review liked by d1nosaurchestra

i hear a lot of reviews that say tgaa 2 is the Real good one of the dgs games, while tgaa 1 is really just a set up for it. so as i have just finished tgaa 1 and have no clue what happens in tgaa 2, i want to leave a review with my blind opinion before playing the second game.

this game is just fucking Fantastic. it approaches ace attorney differently than the phoenix wright trilogy. in the pw:aa trilogy, the hook of each game focuses a lot on interpersonal relationships phoenix has: edgeworth, maya, dahlia, etc. and develops the bonds and history between the different characters.

this game does it different. i find that it focuses much more on ryunosuke's personal development, and how each of the people he meets and helps along the way contribute to who he is as a person, and ultimately becoming a fulfillment of what asougi embodied at the start of the game. it was truly wonderful to watch ryuunosuke grow, and the 5th case was especially fulfilling. his dialogue was so wonderful to read i genuinely felt so moved

i am personally much more of a fan of games that focus on interpersonal relationships (hence being an ace attorney fan in the first place) so i was really surprised this game got me so bad despite not being the kind of story i usually look for.

it was a pleasure meeting naruhodo ryuunosuke, i can't wait to play the next one :DD