interesting concept for a game, i had fun making my little guys

as someone who loves rimworld i can definitely see the appeal, it's just a lot. more on the dwarf fortress end of things for sure. the graphics are pretty nice

i really wanna finish this game i enjoy the mario & luigi style combat a lot i just don't get hooked for whatever reason

i know this game has flaws but i just really love it. fun to play and the story is cool

so easy to just play a round or two while i'm watching a video or something. goes on sale frequently for cheap too

very cute game and i enjoyed every second of it. not really that much of a dating sim but i kinda liked it better that way

concept is fairly interesting and it's not too difficult. i'll come back to finishing this someday

kinda confusing on where to go a lot of the time

didn't really control very well and it just wasn't very fun. concept was sorta interesting

pretty chill experience, fun to play for an hour or two while watching a video. didn't beat all the levels but i enjoyed finding the sodas in the levels i did beat. i wish there was a way to see which levels had a soda to find on the main menu

seemed super interesting with a lot of mechanical depth but it was kinda just too much for me. i might return to it one day