Mass Effect is one of my favourite videogame series. This doesn't feel like Mass Effect at all, and fails to be entertaining as its own thing.

The gameplay:
- Combat is mandatory and very generic, makes it feels like a space call of duty rather than a mass effect.
- Outside of combat, you just have to follow quest markers once after another.
- Most dialogue options are useless since you can tell the result is the same as if you picked any other option.

The story: so a bunch of Milky Way colonists arrive at Andromeda and the first thing they do when encountering aliens is... creating an open conflict with them? I can excuse the first encounter since they did shot first but, after that, all characters just go on a full xenophobic murderous spree with these alien species with no single attempt to do things right. And ignoring that, the gameplay doesn't support the story at all, since it's just centered on shooting aliens.

Reviewed on Sep 06, 2023
