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Aiight, talk about “if Nintendo ain’t gon make another RPG Paper Mario I’ll do it”. The game was very charming and everything from the combat, medals and sound effects were straight pulled from Paper Mario. The music is awesome, the battle system has so much depth, I don’t ever do side quests but they were truly worth it. Got the homie Chompy on my side which really helped with the final hit on bosses. After Chapter 4 was when it got real hard, the difficulty spike going through Rubber Prison and the Wasp Hive was ridiculous, got my behind beat by monsters with 30+ health AINT EVEN A BOSS. Vi was the strongest link with Hurricane Toss doing like 20+ damage while Empowered. And with Lief doing his Frigid Prison thing and locking them up. The homie Kabu was just the high defense dummy that uses Taunt lmao. Chompy is the real homie, with his little cute red bow tie upping his attack power by 1. I thought the places you go were very distinct from each other, differentiated by color with places like a hive, a sand box and a wheel hub thing which was pretty cool. I enjoyed the game but I hated the stealth segments which don’t really work in a 2d janky movement game. And idk why they mapped everything to one button. You know how many times I would dig with Kabu when I’m tryna run. Bruh. The final boss was pretty difficult, I had to go grind side quests and get buff medals for Vi but overall it’s cool. Imagine hard mode, nah. A wonderful indie title, and very deep battle system with its own twists. I approve!

34h 22m
VI KABU LIEF 13/12/10
46 TP / 47 MEDALS / TEAM RANK 27
25/26 Lore Books (got stuck out of Wasp Hive and got lazy to go back post-game)

The side quests I done was the the books, Lief’s request and Chompy.


Reviewed on Jul 01, 2023
