5 reviews liked by danolivr

After playing Elden Ring and Sekiro I was curious about the game and series that started it all. I think it's up there with the best decisions I've made in my life.

The map of this game is better than any game I've ever played. It's so intertwined and interconnected every corridor can lead you to anywhere within the map and it all makes sense in a normal Euclidean plane (No cheating with portals etc.). You'll climb a ladder for like half a minute but it WILL connect to the place you were at earlier. It's like they challenged themselves to make the map as compact as possible yet it's still so huge. And the sights are so beautiful I find it hard to explain. This one's definitely a one you'll have to experience for yourself.

The boss fights themselves are great except a few but nothing to write home about in my opinion but that doesn't mean they aren't great fun, especially the DLC bosses.

The DLC is a nice short little adventure that I enjoyed thoroughly and I recommend anyone that liked the base game to give it a shot.

Most people find that the latter half of the game is empty with a lot of running and not enough content compared to the first, I will agree that they're emptier in terms of content but I will say that I enjoyed them at least as much as I did the first half of the game. The sights towards the end of the game trump the areas you're in at the start for sure.

This game is 5 stars, 10/10 whatever other max award I can give it. Amazing.

My first Souls game. I like hard games, I expected "the hardest game ever made" that isn't for everyone like people say, what I got was another game, a great one, that is challenging and very fair (for the most part), just as most games should be like. Spent 2 months playing DS and it felt like 2 weeks.
There isn't a lot to say that hasn't already been said by other players, except for a few takes so... The second half is overhated, Tomb of Giants is actually decent and better than Catacombs, Blighttown is good, Bed of Chaos isn't the worst boss (but still sucks). That's it, everyone already said what I had to say, just play the damn game

My first proper SoulsBourne game and I absolutely loved it! Literally couldn’t put it down for weeks.

My only criticism is that there were a few times where you need to progress to the next area and the way to do it is utterly preposterous. Never in a million years would I have thought to go out of bounds or climb the scenery in a way to get to my next objective. I do think this is a game where it’s almost mandatory to look up a guide on how to do certain things, which in my book is never a good thing.

Having said that, I loved every second of it! The atmosphere, the combat, the level design (to a certain degree), the bosses, it was so engrossing. There’s no greater feeling in gaming than when you finally defeat a Dark Souls boss. Small note: Everyone talks about Blightown being the worst area in the game, for me it was The Catacombs and The Tomb of the Giants. Pitch blackness, unkillable skeletons and awful dog skeletons just made that area completely unpleasant.

I may need to dwell on it for sometime, but I think this may be one my favourite games I’ve ever played. I’ve heard Bloodbourne and Elden Ring are even better by perfecting the formula, and now I can’t wait to play them!

Good game, but was suffering from fromsoftware burn out so stopped.

This game made me a "warriors" game fan. I'd never played a Dynasty Warriors game before this but as a Zelda fan and an action game fan this game hits all the right buttons for me. I love the gameplay, soundtrack, art style, basically everything this game does I love. It seriously has at least over 500 hours of content so I can keep coming back whenever I want. This game is a perfect blend of Zelda and over the top action games

1 list liked by danolivr