Ezios family is one of the best soundtracks ever.

The 9th boss was so bad it made me quit. Otherwise i really liked this game the word is simply beautiful and the bosses were quite fun and it is a fair game. The 9th boss has made me feel very agitated and i don’t think i’ll be picking this game up again though because of it.

I didn’t really enjoy the gameplay it was very slow and annoying and i couldn’t even get 2 hours into it.

What can i say man, what can i say. Everything is perfect, the world, the story and the story man. This isn’t a video game, it’s an experience. Go play this and get it out of your backlog now

I could see what they were going for here, the stranger was very nice but once you get past it everything just feels like a chore and is very hard to figure out. I barely had a fun time playing the latter half of the dlc and it felt like i was just following a guide because it was so hard to figure out not to forget the time limit too. I wouldn’t say it’s the worst though, compared to the base game it doesn’t hold a candle at all.

The gun and feels of the gameplay was really fun and i enjoyed it a lot but thats it. Enemy spam is so over the top and the game feels way too unfair most of the time.

A pretty relaxing game, nothing much happened but some moments were pretty sad and the ending was pretty lacklustre otherwise it was fine.

“There’s a dead space out there” YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Actually had a ton of fun with this one, it was just a blast overall, the story was really good and so was the gunplay apart from the hell that was chapter 11 (fuck that chapter to hell) and I’m glad I decided to complete it. W dead space

"You really are the ghost of tsushima"

The best introduction to a new console tbh i loved playing this so much, such a vibrant vibe to it and I couldn't have asked for a better introduction to my ps5 just amazing

SO much fun at first but gets really boring when youre halfway through and it gets very boring and is just a copy paste of the environment. THAT MAIN THEME MAKES ME WANT TO PICK THIS GAME BACK UP AGAIN AHHHHHHHH I LOVE THAT THEME SO MUCH

Honestly its alright, the atmosphere is nice but I didn't really like the boss fights but gosh damn screw you sister friede

Slave knight gael is the best dark souls boss and one of the greatest video game bosses to ever exist, enough said. That boss alone makes this awesome dlc a 5/5

A very fun game i played in my early teenage years and i had a blast playing it with friends