3 reviews liked by darthmarticus

Boring asf but the people go lalala so it’s funny

This is one I'd been meaning to get around to for a while, and I'm really glad I did.
Gravity Rush is short and sweet (exactly how I like my games) with enough whimsicality that wouldn't feel out of place in the Ghibli Universe.
Kat is a likeable character from the get-go, as well as her main rival, Raven. The music is absolutely incredible, and you'd expect nothing less from the composer for One Piece of all things.
In terms of the gameplay loop, the traversing was incredibly fun. There were countless moments where I could not believe this was a Vita game originally, and marvelled at the sheer scale of the map (and it's depth!).
The combat has to be the weaker point of the game in my opinion. The on-foot combat is not viable at all in most cases, and while homing in from a distance to break an enemy's weak spot is incredibly satisfying, it does become a bit of trial and error or hit and miss (literally).
I'm excited to see if this is improved in the second game, and hope I enjoy that one as much as I did the original!

You wouldn't get it; You just had to be there.