Demos I Played

Playing demos is important. I play a lot of them. A mostly complete list with all demos I played in all platforms.
There's a note for the cases in which I played the full game after ('PLAYED FULL GAME') and for those I bought and/or played JUST because of having played the demo ('CONVINCED BY DEMO'). Some of them are full games I tried at friends' places, which is functionally a demo ('TRIED BUT NOT DEMO').

This includes demos, betas, alphas, trials, and everything. I'm only using the word 'demo' for all for convenience.

Mad Dog McCree
Mad Dog McCree


2 days ago

How were you able to play through the full game of ONE BTN BOSSES? I loved the demo and want to check out the rest of the game, but I thought it hasn't released yet?

2 days ago

@tendog Hey! :) I personally know the developers and one year ago I playtested the version of the game that was released in China for mobile. The full PC version hasn't released yet and it's way more complete. I didn't play that one and that's why I didn't log the game. I guess you'll have to wait a bit longer :D
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