ranking nitroplus

no crossovers
haven't played anything nitro chiral

You and Me and Her: A Love Story
You and Me and Her: A Love Story


Kishin Hishou Demonbane
Kishin Hishou Demonbane


Samurai Shodown
Samurai Shodown
Kaigen Seito




Vampirdzhija Vjedogonia
Vampirdzhija Vjedogonia
dogshit but has its moments, the most butcher thing in existence


Kikokugai: The Cyber Slayer
Kikokugai: The Cyber Slayer




Dark Angel
Dark Angel
Angelos Armas


Saya no Uta
Saya no Uta


"Hello, world."
"Hello, world."
havent beaten it yet but it's a massive slog if I can finish this game I'm a god


Kishin Houkou Demonbane
Kishin Houkou Demonbane


Phantom of Inferno
Phantom of Inferno


Full Metal Daemon Muramasa
Full Metal Daemon Muramasa



1 year ago

Great list. Have you played any minikui mojika no ko? I tried the start recently, It's got the best presentation I've ever seen in an eroge and an amazing shoegaze ost, but the actual story and writing were a bit dull

1 year ago

Not yet, I'm playing (all the ones I haven't already played) in order which is why I started with Phantom. I'm in a pretty similar boat with Hello, World right now where I think some presentation stuff (don't let the uguu moe art fool you) is really cool but the game is kind of crazy in a bad way. There's a whopping 7 routes and each of them are around 30-40 hours long, you have to admire making a game that long where 90% of the dialogue is
girl hits head awawawa itaiii yoooo.
Other than that, some cool SF stuff here and there but mostly bland lol.

I'll definitely try Mojika out when I get to it. Tokyo Necro's TL came out recently and that one looks epic too

1 year ago

I don't know much about hello world other than it was one of the first vns to have such a huge scale, for better or worse lol. I was kind of intrigued by it but 40 hour heroine routes sounds hellish lmao. I imagine it's just a high budget nitro+ game where the writer was paid by the line.

Tokyo necro is really fun, great presentation too, it's got the weirdest loading screen and starting menu. It's basically just a fighting vn but all the fights are in a 3d engine and it actually looks super sick. I haven't played much and it's not great but it's a lot better than I thought it would be, definitely worth checking out the prologue at least to get a feel for it.

1 year ago

Yeah that's about right, also about Mojika honestly the main reason I like Nitroplus so much is how different all their games are. Besides just having a ton of different writers I feel like they make a lot of effort to make all the games different. Also a lot of experimental stuff that ends up interesting even if the game itself isnt good. Such as what you've mentioned of Mojika and TN having those cool 3D battles.

1 year ago

what no pussy does to an mf

1 year ago

siqtir la hitler benim

1 year ago

dude binding of isaac is your favourite game, you aren't getting any pussy either lmao

anyway yeah I agree, every nitro+ game has that same grimdark edge but they are all so unique in their worldbuilding or aesthetic that they can stand out from each other. Like alternate 1940s with muramasa, wuxia with kikokugai, mecha/lovecraft with demonbane etc. That was one thing I've really enjoyed with tokyo necro, the whole cyberpunk ice age tokyo is such a unique setting, even if the actual story is pretty basic, the setting is so interesting that it makes it more enjoyable to read through

1 year ago

with mojika, they said they were inspired by euphoria and other clockup games and it really shows lmao, but its cool to see a game like that with nitro+ budget

1 year ago

isaac is bible but actually good and and I am a good boi who studies Isaacology

1 year ago

oh and sup I am Adebisi btw. I just bant around hyli alot.

1 year ago

lmao its cool bro i love isaac too, blasphemy is my favourite genre

1 year ago

yo hyli i don't mean this in a gay way but have you ever considered checking out some of the BL nitro+ games? some of them are pretty good, sweet pool and slow damage in particular. obviously they are gay as shit but they still have that same nitro+ aesthetic if you were looking for other games

1 year ago

yeah man honestly they look pretty cool despite that lmfao. I'm planning on reading literally all of them once I'm done with everything nitro (which should be sometime this year). I heard togainu is bad but it looks edgy as shit which I like, so I'll check it out. Sweet Pool looks great too

1 year ago

cool, tbh don't expect much from them lmfao, they are pretty much exactly how you would imagine a gay nitro+ game. all of the biggest ntiro+ bl games are written by the same author, and its clear to see her progression as a writer when you follow the games by release date. togainu no chi is absolutely shit and edgy as shit for sure lmao. to be fair all of them are super edgy, but if you like nitro+ thats the exact vibe youre looking for anyway lol.
sweet pool might be the edgiest game ive ever played, but as i said if thats what youre looking for than you can do no wrong with those games

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