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1 day

Last played

August 13, 2022

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Library Ownership


Gravity Rush Remastered flails about it’s main character Kat as she tries to remember her past after waking up in a strange city amongst the clouds with a ‘cosmic’ cat by her side.

The gameplay is an interesting one, you essentially control Kat’s center of gravity, instead of flying, she falls everywhere. I found, a lot of the time, the aerial combat to be frustrating beyond measure, it’s essentially boiled down to a ‘falling kick’, but it has a half-done lock on effect that more often than not leaves you flying past where you intended to go and heavily disorientated.

Now, the good parts: It had a somewhat decent storyline to follow. It has sooooo many collectible gems just thrown around that are used to level up your abilities (even though the kick really never felt like it was getting more powerful) and, while sometimes frustrating, the controlled falling in any direction was just incredibly fun.