Log Status






Time Played

32h 1m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

August 21, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


(At time of review, I've one starred all campuses)

Two Point Campus takes every part of Hospital's foundation and ramps it up. It makes you actually look after your students - provide them with dorms to stay in, make sure they have places to eat, entertain them between classes and Two Point Studios have done an incredible job with it.

Is it perfect? absolutely not. It's not the most immersive sim/management game out there, but I don't want it to be. It's got it's own style to the genre.

The usual and genuinely well done comedic announcements return in Campus, but I found them to be a lot less varied than Hospital. (I'm also disappointed that the soundtrack wasn't as mentally invasive as Hospital's was)

Gameplay wise, if you played Hospital, it's pretty much the same - you move between 'levels' each with it's quirk - this time being a campus that focuses on making money from archeology students and what they dig up, or, from students having the best parties possible whilst also not failing their classes.

There's something about the Two Point games that just hook me right in and honestly, I'm ready for the onslaught of DLC.