Infinite Wealth continues off with new main character Ichiban Kasuga's second outing in the formerly named 'Yakuza' franchise this time with returning icon and legend Kazuma Kiryu in tow.

Now, I'm someone who relishes in the series' old combat style and tone - with a silent and stoic protagonist, beat-em-up combat and then the quirky and stupid relegated to the side quests and supporting cast. However, I've begun to really warm to this shift of embracing the kooky, whilst allowing the main character to have their serious side (as shown throughout both LaD7 and Infinite Wealth).

What helps this time, especially in terms of the combat, is the much needed improvements to the turn based style. No longer are you constrained to a single spot - you can walk around freely in a small circle area which provides proximity bonuses if coming close to an enemy - or - combo bonuses if close to a party member with whom you have a good relationship with. Eventually, it ends up being a massive help - managing to get combos going and then follow-up attacks from other party members can really shift how a battle is going.

The story I don't need to comment on. It's a Like a Dragon/Yakuza game after all. It's got heart, it's got comedy, it's pure soap opera goodness and worth every single minute of lengthy cutscenes that the series is known for.

As expected from this series there's a whole host of side content and by a whole host I mean a l o t of side content. This time Ryu Ga Gotoku decided to spoof off a bunch of popular Nintendo IP's from a Pokemon Snap "clone", where you explore Hawaii on a tram and take pictures of muscle men in tight undies being lewd across the island to a full-blown Animal Crossing moment of having "your own" island resort to build up to a 5 star resort (of course, with it being Like a Dragon, it's got a campy and zany twist to it). I could honestly go on for hours about just how good of a job they did with Dondoko island and how unnecessarily in-depth they went with it or how I spent a good 10-15 hours of the total 50 I played of this game just building my resort but, I think it's best to just experience it.

God I can't wait to see what they do next with the series.

Reviewed on Apr 01, 2024
