In my honest opinion, there is nothing more criminally underrated than the wonderful Mega Man 7 experience on the Super Nintendo. Many things that could have gone wrong, went right; saving the series from what could have been a disastrous descent into obscurity with complete success.

Mega Man 7 features an amazing presentation and polish, compared to its earlier NES entry, rushed at the end of the NES lifespan. An introduction stage sets the stage for the 4 robot masters you must defeat, before revealing the 4 final robot masters, with their more unforgiving stages and boss battles, helped keep the pace mid-game. Robot Masters joining the fight in this iteration are quite the menace:
"Cloud Man, Burst Man, Junk Man, Freeze Man, Shade Man, Slash Man, Spring Man, and Turbo Man" are masterfully designed, their stage unique from each other, with secrets to discover.

Capcom also went all-in on improving the game graphics for this 16-bit iteration, which to this day, remains one of the best-looking SNES games to our inner child's eyes. Every Robot Masters feel alive, with fluid animations and a lot of attention is put into every detail of their personality and quirks. Mega Man VII excelled in its generous nature, a labor of love.

The game is slower, easier for most, but becomes a challenge once you reach the Wily Fortress, Wily 7 notoriously being one of the hardest capsules to beat so far!

For those looking for an extra challenge, a Japanese fan-made project that takes Mega Man 7 and turns it into an NES-style game was made available in 2008, made by Japanese developer "Mend", also responsible for the equally excellent "Rockman 8 FC" which demake the eight game. We can't recommend them enough!

Reviewed on Mar 15, 2022
