10 reviews liked by dinxie

60 hours long jrpg that makes you go through an incredible journey to warn you to not pick fights with your dad cause he will always beat the shit out of you

A game that I am so blinded by that I can't even see the flaws. I borrowed this from my cousin and never gave it back. FFX is solely responsible for me having any interest in RPG's at all; adore it despite its issues.

I saw this game from SBN3 of course I as gonna pick it up.

I got an ending but then got curious. it's the kind of short VN you can easily replay after all...all in all I got 6 endings before calling it. I may get the others another time. Its short bite structure makes it friendly to replay which I kinda prefer in VNs: Shorter story, many endings.

As expected from SBN3, the writing and voice acting are absolutely top notch. I've been a fan since his Arthur dub days and seeing what his skill and evolution has come to here was absolutely worth it. Nicole is such a bitch and I love her for that. The writing is really good and worth a read for that alone.

However, the VN itself could use more polish. Sometimes characters will come in on your route and you're expected to already know them, even if it makes no sense for Nicole to. For example I got on seriously pushing Mr. White for his story with Nicole and Jeska then all of a sudden I'm on a completely different route with no rhyme or reason and suddenly she's friends with a bunch of people she profusely rejected before? What? I thought I was trying to end racism here.

In addition while the texts are nice for endings, I do wish they had photos attached so you could see the ending CGs at any time. It lacks a lot of QoL from modern VNs like a fast forward button or a checkmark saying you made that choice before. I even got an annoying bug where the ending audio wouldn't stop despite starting a new game already, or one time where I somehow got an ending without seeing the ending CG and dialogue.

It's a solid story with a fantastic script and voice acting, but it needs a lot of polish. The serious lack of polish really holds this one back from me liking it more than I already do, but it's just a diamond in the rough. Really rough.

game from my childhood
never was interested in it
never beat it
too cheap to sell, too valuable to throw away
's goin in the drawer for the next 12 years

the pancake minigame goes hard

shout out to 10 year old me, already neck-deep into her 'not like other girls' phase, who considered her secret love of this game to be her most shameful and unforgivable character flaw

I don't think I'm trending new ground here when I say Kingdom Hearts 3 is a disappointment. The sequel just promised so much about itself that it honestly had no hope of pleasing everybody. What I didn't think would happen however is how much the game spreads itself thin to make it feel like there is a bunch of things to do. There is a ton of great things to say about Kingdom Hearts 3, but there is a lot here that makes it feel a bit rushed when it comes down to it.

What I can absolutely praise Kingdom Hearts 3 for is the sheer amount of content we got for it. KH3 contains game & watch style mini-games, a full on cooking mini game, a bubble bobble type puzzle game, photo mode, and an entirely revamped gummi ship mode that let's you explore full maps. Throughout playing KH3 I consistently thought about how neat the whole thing was. Nearly every little thing here is thought through to the point that little details kinda just add an extra charm to how well they are crafted. I genuinely can't express how floored I was when I found out how many mini games the Game & Watch like titles had. Like honestly, I'm sure people would buy little handheld titles like this in real life. The fact that the gummi ship mode is like it's own little arcade shooter also really helped break up the pacing by giving a somewhat challenging and neat mode to play with when we just want to explore. The photo mode even adds a much needed collection element with the hidden mickey's being scattered throughout the worlds. Honestly as much as I hate the brainwashing technique; gamifying it was the way to go. Add that together with a bunch of different mini games in game, and you really start to see that what KH3 did was pay attention to everything, but the main game.

Games being easy shouldn't be seen as a problem, and I would rather encourage it over making something super hard. Providing a challenge is always a unique issue to any given game because each gameplay style is just different, from both players and games alike. So what did KH3 do? Why it made it have so many extra flashy super moves, power ups, summons, and tag team attacks that the only issue is picking the next attack. Really I can't express how easy this game is without mentioning the ride summons. I love the ride summons, I think they are super stylish and a fun thing to do as a sort of mini-game. Sadly though, KH3 doesn't really limit how often you can use them, and constantly feeds you the attacks roughly one minute in any given battle. That is, of course, if you aren't also given a team attack or transformation gauge, and even then it's all in all likely you have all three up to pick from. The game literally feeds you so much "super meter" attacks that I honestly forgot I had additional summons and magic to use. Kingdom Hearts has never been a super nuanced combat system, even at it's peak with KH2, largely the majority of the attack strings are just pressing X at certain times. Here though? You just get over stuffed with options that your brain and battles can't actually engage with combat unless it's something as long as a boss fight. Even then, the problem just becomes using these super moves on the bosses till they die; it truly feels like KH3 just doesn't trust the player enough to give them a proper challenge. Perhaps what is most maddening about this though is just the fact the combat is actually good?

Something that returned, and what I love about Dream Drop Distance is the movement options. You are able to dash, jump, and even ride rails like you were in the previous game straight from the start. While you don't have full access to everything right away; you are given enough to ensure you can work toward more movement options later on. This combined with combat has always made Kingdom Hearts far more engaging to me as it gives it a lot more style compared to the previous two entries where combat just feels far too slow and stiff. Being able to block and dodge immediately is a standard, and the fact the previous two main games hide that away always hurt it's combat. As previously addressed though, any combat you do get into is often over before you know, overloaded with some super moves, or can just be walked passed. The only time it actually feels you are playing the game really is during mini-games or boss battles, and it really is a shame because I honestly do see the combat here be on par with what we got with Dream Drop Distance, although far more busted.

One thing KH3 solidly did right tho is the Disney worlds. While some have far more to do in others, or at least feel constructed better story wise, each one has plenty of weight to them. I don't think every world out there is particularly amazing, but compared to the worlds of the past, it feels like it's an actual place. Like Tangled's world for instance. While I can tell there is quite a bit of context taken out, largely the game provided enough there that made me absolutely engrossed with the world and characters. I felt like we were on a proper journey to deliver Rapunzel to the Corona kingdom, and it hit enough emotional beats to feel invested. Even places like the Big Hero 6 World where it kinda feels slapped on story wise still has an incredibly large city to explore. Nothing feels like it was left out, or repeated when it comes to the gameplay of these worlds, and it's something I'm finally happy to see come to fruition.

Unfortunately, there is nothing to help save the story of Kingdom Hearts. While I know some like to argue that you just need to pay attention, or that the Disney worlds are the less interesting part; Kingdom Hearts 3 most boring bits are the continuing story. Like I have played through all the kingdom hearts games that are needed to be played through with the exception of the mobile game, and I can tell you that the only extra Kingdom Hearts game you need to play is Birth By Sleep. Without knowing the context of why Aqua is in the darkness helps a lot when the game finally decides to have a plot, it still doesn't save the rest of the story. Constantly they interject these Disney worlds with a random black cloak members, but in the end the only real take away is that sometimes characters outside of Sora will interact and it's nice. The rest of the time though? It's like they pop up and say "the plot is going to happen Sora BOOO" then screw off. Even the "final payoff" of getting these battles together is just Sora taking everyone's victories away. There is absolutely no fanfare for other characters in a way that matters, and honestly it's perhaps the biggest downer when it comes to Kingdom Hearts 3.

Long way to say it, but Kingdom Hearts 3 is just a game that shoved itself with so many things that it legitimately forgot to be a proper conclusion to it's own story. Even with all the other games under my belt it's still a hapless mess, and one that even gets in it's own way when it's trying to be fun. Still to say I didn't enjoy it is a lie. This is legit one of my favorite Kingdom Hearts game because it just has so many neat things to it. I kinda respect a lot of aspects to it because a lot of the things they have been working on, or that they introduce, work so well. I just implore anyone wanting to play the game to not do so for the story or challenge, but because you can explore. Just don't look for any real substance here, it's just an average game with a very stylish way of failing to met expectations.

Look, I understand wanting to critique the tropes of dating sims, but this just felt really condescending.

I really was impressed by the sheer amount of kingdom heart’s songs in the game. While I would say those looking for significant story development will be disappointed. In addition as the story from the games retold from Kairi’s story does not really add much to her character. The music aspect is actually pretty good, but due to the notes being enemies, they can be distracting and hard to tell what the actual rhythm is. While I can’t deny that nostalgia is what carries my review, the music from these games is just absolutely fantastic

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Kingdom Hearts 3 was a long time coming. Originally announced in 2013, the game was released in 2019 to positive reception from fans and critics. I had the game for so long and I finally started to do a playthrough of the game. It is another good Kingdom Hearts game.

Kingdom Hearts 3 marks the end of the Dark Seeker Saga. There are tons of callbacks and fanservice for fans like me to enjoy. The story was overall fine. I found it to be one of the better Kingdom Hearts stories, but there is still that Kingdom Hearts stupidity in there. I am so used to the Kingdom Hearts story being dumb that I have grown numb to it.

Gameplay saw some improvements from 0.2. It is not as floaty, the Keyblades are fun to experiment, and the worlds are fun to explore for the most part. Not a fan of the Pirates world or the final world. I keep asking myself “Will this game ever end? How many bosses do I need to fight? Why won’t you die Xehanort?!”

A new mechanic introduced in this game is the Attraction Flow. Attack using the rides from Disney theme parks. They are neat, but I rarely used them. Some were a pain to control like that Splash Run Attraction Flow. I am not sure if it is because I was playing in Standard mode, but I was constantly pestered with Attraction Flows. It made some fights too easy.

Do I need to mention how this game looks? It is spectacular. We have come a long way since the original Kingdom Hearts and it is crazy how this game almost looks the actual Disney movies. If you compare Tangled, Frozen, Big Hero 6, and Monster Inc with the KH3 version, it is almost identical.
Of course, the music is great. It is a Kingdom Hearts game and the music continues to be high quality. So many great songs, rearrangements of well-known Kingdom Hearts songs, my ears were in euphoria.

Kingdom Hearts 3 is a solid conclusion for the Dark Seeker Saga. Expect some silliness in the story, but the gameplay is still good. With the Dark Seeker Saga over, I am looking forward what awaits Sora next.