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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

December 13, 2023

Platforms Played


Top-tier GBC game. Compulsively playable, rarely frustrating but not completely fricitonless, bite-sized, interestingly put-together, and quirky. And, for me at least, a surprisingly relaxing game.

Some of the platforming puzzles toward the end are, for lack of more descriptive words, dumb and bad. But at least they aren't difficult too, which would be a real bummer.

The other mild criticism I have is how hard it is to keep track of what stages have unlocked paths. Little post-level cutscenes point them out, but you can only rewatch the latest one. This is the main reason (I'm telling myself) I haven't yet pushed myself to 100%, although I think I will go on and do that at some point.