Another "early access" game I dip in and out of.

When I was a kid playing Sid's Civ 4 I used to liken that game to a board game, albeit one that would be too complicated and fiddly to be fun without a computer simulating it.

I get a similar feeling from Against the Storm—only this time instead of a bloated world conquest-themed Ameritrash game I'm getting vibes of a bloated Eurogame-inspired nominally-multiplayer effectively-solitaire game (if you play many board games you know this is basically a genre). Very easy to imagine a prototype of this design using physical components: card decks for all the random buildings/perks/orders/etc... little wooden "worker placement" figures in all the little animal shapes... lots and lots of tiny plastic currency tokens...

Qualitative assessment paragraph goes here. It's fun.

Reviewed on Oct 09, 2023
