This is the game that first introduced me to the Armored Core series.

Okay I'm gonna be honest now, this is the only AC game I'd ever played before I decided to play as many of them as I could after they announced AC6. That means I haven't touched this game, this series, in what, 20 years?

I don't know how I stuck so long with this game as a little kid whose English was pretty bad. The structure of these games is quite unlike anything I used to play at the time, what with failure of a mission not forcing you to reload and try again, so as a kid I never finished the story or really did most of the missions.

No, most of my time with this game back then was with the arena, and boy did I have a great time. Looking back after finishing AC2 today I'm not sure how I ever got to be #1, considering even now I had trouble with the top ranks (luckily, limiter release + 50 missiles + KARASAWA will wipe almost anything).

And on that note, the Arena really is the highlight here I think. The missions tend to be really one note, so I guess I'm thankful they're usually so short. This game really shines when it's pitting you 1v1 against an opponent with similar abilities to you (something From Software knows very well), and spending hours customizing your AC to get it juuuust right so you can beat your next enemy. Also helps that losing in the arena doesn't have any monetary penalties, just a mark on your record.

Now that I've catched up to my 7-year-old self in terms of AC, I can't wait to get to the ones eveyone praises as "the best ones".

Reviewed on Dec 15, 2022
