1 review liked by doktorcannibal

Combat lacks any kind of thrill or tension and strategy, dugeons are dull and straightforward in a similar fashion and the way you interact with digimons is artificial and soulless and makes you see them as a tool. The setting and thriller tone are a bit wasted and the writting suffers from the exposition and saturated dialogues one would expect from this kind of japanese pieces.
What really makes this game shine is the way it handles digimon mythos. The main conflict appears when a human-created virtual world brings a desease that consumes all that's around it in the digital world, that desease is made out of the darkest part of the human psyche, which the virtual world cannot handle. That issue wasnt taken into account by the creators of that world as the digital world wasnt known by them, which emphasise the fact that the digital world exists by its own. The royal knights are divided by how to solve the situation being the two sides fixing the issue by eliminating the human race or doing it by their side.
Nokia works as the energetic character that represents the power of the bond between digimons and humans.
In secondary missions you get to know digimons previously known in the series playing, and sometimes subverting what you know about them as with that Etemon that had a sweet personality and just wanted his music to be heard by others.
It sometimes interweave urban legends, esoteric rituals or even material affairs as a malfunctioning air cooler with the digital world as, as I said before, people dont know about the digital world but its connected to the real one in a eerir way, making these intangible and ethereal situations make some sense once the big picture can be seen.

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