1 review liked by domnikl

Tell me you were a German kid growing up in the 90s and early 2000s without telling me.

Autobahn Raser is a racing game set on the German autobahn, developed by a Dutch game studio. The game itself was very short and featured like 8 racetracks or something like this. The cars themselves were modeled after real German cars, but got their names changed due to copyright reasons.
In this game you're starting with a Trabant (short: Trabi - in game: Brabant), which you can however sell to instantly buy the superior Opel Astra (in game: Opal Astro). As a child I considered the game finished, whenever I was able to buy the fastest car, the Lamborghini Diablo (ingame: Lambdaghini), tune it to the max and finish all racetracks with it again!
The soundtrack itself is actually a banger, consisting of some classy 90s rave/techno/trance, which they reused across their various racing games.

A random childhood memory I have is that when the PC was too bad, the game stopped spawning traffic, making the races a lot easier. The only thing you had to be careful of next to that would be the police, that tries to stop you (and only you!) and your car's fuel that burns faster than anything... Then again, you also drive from something like Munich to Hamburg in 3 minutes.

All in all, I probably spend too much time with this game as a child.