Approaching one thousand hours in this game and have (like I assume most people with several hundred hours in any game) a very strong love hate relationship with it. It was not only my first BR but also my first PC online shooter that I ever got into. I went from a .4 KD in the first few seasons I played the game to averaging just over a 1 KD these days. My enjoyment stems from doing the early periods of a new ranked split with friends and then fizzling out when hitting plat to play other things.

Mixtape is my preferred game mode when playing alone since matchmaking loves the stick my "plays once a week" ass in master lobbies for the vast majority of PUB sessions. Blasting music super loud and shooting players while trying (unsuccessfully) to schmove on players is my jam.

I love the movement, I love tap strafing and supergliding, I have yet to successfully mantle jump mid fight. I tend to alternate in playing several times a week for a season, then quitting for the next two. The game became a lot more enjoyable when I decided hitting plat was enough, and climbing from bronze to plat every few months with my friends while trying to super-glide heady people with sentinel is where most of my enjoyment stems. I'll play this game off and on until it dies.

I think as a casual experience this game is miserable. I have only ever played it with the friends who joined at the same time as me. Getting anyone else into the game is an exercise in futility.

Reviewed on Jun 20, 2024
