2 reviews liked by drac

i would rather die by a thousand cuts than go through the nosferatu warrens again

An immersive sim based on the tabletop roleplaying game of the same name, featuring an edgy 90's setting where the supernatural hides in plain sight. The game features a variety of vampire clans that play on different vampire depictions and tropes, each providing a different play experience.

So first and foremost the version of this game hosted on steam is incredibly buggy and may not even run. Thankfully the community have kept an unofficial patch going. If you want to play this game it's recommended to follow the guides on steam.

Once the game is running you'll build a character and get introduced to both the various clans and local vampire politics before getting dumped into Los Angeles, free to explore and do the basics like drinking blood and learning more about the state of the world you've arrived in.

The gameplay depends on your clan and skill choices but mostly you'll be in the city hubs hiding your vampirism and talking to the locals (both in and out of the loop) investigating a number of mysteries. The missions tend to be more combat oriented and explore the main storyline around a coffin that has appeared in the city with some disturbing rumours surrounding it.

The game is crude in look and gameplay as you comically swing your weapon around, but it still offers a deep world and fun story driven game play. Character choices change where you can go, who you can talk to, and the variety of ways to engage with any given problem mean curiosity and words can be more powerful than bullets. If that and a heaping spoonful of edgy 90's vampire fiction sounds like fun, you'd do well to give it a shot. Just maybe save the Malkavians for your 2nd playthrough.