1 review liked by drako1909

Never wanted to stay away from reviewing something so much in my life. Discourse around this game has been so draining on both sides.

Yes the live service aspects hurt the game’s overall plot (due to needing to wait for new seasons to progress it) and the endgame loop is barebones. I, personally, find the gameplay itself so engaging that I don’t find the loop as boring as others but it’s totally valid to criticise the game for that.

I’m not going to try to talk too much about the story that is there. I’ve been reading comics consistently for a decade and I really enjoyed it. I don’t think my experience makes my opinion more valid or anything. But I’ve read/watched/played enough content of these characters that this felt a bit more fresh.

Again, I totally understand if people don’t like the direction the story went. I can understand their feelings especially as it’s a follow-up to the Arkham series. But some people are acting like the story killed their dog or something and they need to chill out.