Possibly one of if not the worst Mario game I’ve ever played. The controls feel not great at all and are too slippery for the platforming gameplay. The gimmick of needing to catch baby Mario after getting hit was cool the first 3 times but quickly got super annoying with how fast the timer runs out and getting hit makes you stagger for like 3 entire seconds, making it even harder to get to Mario before losing him.

Most of the actual level designs were fine, but there were a handful that make me want to throw the game out of the window for being designed like they were baby’s first custom Mario Maker level. Enemies in terrible places, garbage platforming segments, and terrible implementation of auto scrolling, just to name a few reasons for why the bad levels were so bad.

I actually cannot believe this game has such a high score on here. This was such a huge step backward from Super Mario World and it’s not even close. The only good things going for this game are the music, art, and spawning a spin-off series of pretty decent games (not including this one).

Reviewed on Feb 22, 2024
