Let me start with the fact that the only reason I decided to play this game was because of the SnapCube fan dub. I also know that there is a steam mod that uses the dub in the cutscenes, which I feel would make the game at least a little more enjoyable.

The music in this game is pretty good, even though Sonic usually has pretty good music anyway. However, that is all I really enjoyed in this game. The controls felt pretty clunky, the camera was awkward to use at times, some of the normal enemies were downright awful to encounter, and every hit taken caused you to drop all of your rings.

The cutscenes were animated fine considering when the game came out. The only real issue I had with them was the sound mixing. For some reason, the voices were super quiet and constantly being drowned out by the music and sound effects. The voices themselves were fine but I just could never hear them and if there were no subtitles, I would have had no idea what they were saying. I tried to find an option to change the volume of the different sounds, but I couldn't find one. But considering how the story was kind of meh, I imagine the dub mod above would fix these issues.

The Sonic/Shadow levels were annoying because their movement was not very precise and there seemed to be a theme of spawning enemies in front of you even though you are going too fast to see them in time, causing you to get hit, which I find ridiculous since the whole point of a Sonic game is to go fast and you even get a score on how fast you beat the levels. The Tails/Eggman levels were the most bearable to play simply because you could sit back and spam the ranged attacks. The Knuckles/Rouge levels were the most annoying levels in my opinion because they weren't linear like the others. It was an open level where you had to find some things hidden throughout, but the only way to know if you were near an object was to watch the radar on the screen until it beeped to signal proximity to the object. This usually ended up with me aimlessly running around the levels until the scanner decided to start beeping, which got especially annoying in the late game levels. The boss fights were ok and not really overly obnoxious like in some other games, but they still had some of the same issues as the normal levels.

Also, the Chao garden thing was fun to mess with, but got boring pretty fast and I don't see myself going back to it.

I'm starting to think I just don't like playing Sonic games because I can clearly recall playing at least 4 Sonic games and I don't remember having very much fun on any of them.

Reviewed on Feb 25, 2024
