Initially had issues during intro that caused me to not be able to play after the intro and dev reached out and idk what they did but playing it now seemed to not have that problem. So bonus points for that.

As for the game itself, this HL mod was decent. The level designs were kind of strange at times and I ended up getting lost more than once. Some of the puzzles in this game were also confusing to me when they weren't very clear on what I had to do. I had to consult a playthrough several times to see what I was doing wrong and where I was supposed to go.

The main issue I had with this game was that it was way too stingy with providing more health or ammo. I must have played over half of the game with my health below 30 since health was a bit rare to find. And with the ammo, it was a miracle that I never completely ran out of ammo for all of my guns at once. With the fact that there is no melee weapon, the thought of running out of ammo was nerve-wracking. The game also liked to sort of dump you into a fight with a TON of enemies sometimes and you would inevitably lose a lot of health and use a bunch of ammo. Those times got annoying pretty fast.

Other than that, the game had a bit of jankiness, but I think that was due to HL itself already being a bit janky at times, so I won't hold that against this mod. Since this mod was free, I'm not too annoyed by the things I didn't like. If this cost money, I would be a bit more critical. Pretty good for a fan-made mod.

Reviewed on May 14, 2024
